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Terms of Service:
  • This website was created to improve the MotoMonitor®, capabilities, and in order to interchange the location of starting points for PPG,
  • Owner of this website is Flyelectronics company, hq in Zblewo,
  • FlyElectronics is responsible for the website correct operation, except emergency situations and events beyond company's control,
  • FlyElectronics in not responsible for data quality. Each registered user is responsible for quality of each starting point entered by him,
  • By singing in, you agree your data can be processed for marketing and statistic purposes. Please also note all your personal data will be stored with utmost care and will not be made available for third party use without your explicit approval,
  • User's data can be permanently deleted from our service, in unfortunate case of deleting an account,
  • User is obliged to report any malfunctioning of the website to the administrator,
  • User is obliged not to overcharge the system above the normal use,
  • Site positioning must be allowed to provide you proper site work.